Burpham Primary School

Burpham Lane, Guildford, Surrey, GU4 7LZ


01483 572510

Burpham Primary School Support Fund

 Why do we have a Support Fund?

Burpham Primary School recognises there are families that might need financial support during their child’s education from time to time. The Support Fund has been established to help families, with funds kindly donated by local charities.  All grants from the Support Fund are discretionary and will be allocated depending on need and funds available, further to discussion between the HSLW and the headteacher.

 Who can apply?

 The school will consider requests for funding from the following groups: 

  • Children in receipt of Free School Meals
  • Children on the SEN register
  • Children who have been or who are in local authority care
  • Children in families with a very low income, who are experiencing exceptional circumstances leading to financial difficulties

What support can I apply for?

 The fund is there to support: 

  • Children meeting the criteria above whose family circumstances mean that they may not be able to afford school uniform or other fee payable activities
  • Parents/carers of children meeting the criteria above who may need financial support in other circumstance benefitting the child

The School Charging and Remissions Policy, found on the school website, details what the school can charge for and what is requested as a voluntary contribution. You do not need to apply to the Burpham Support Fund for grants to cover voluntary contributions. Please read the policy before you apply.

 Am I eligible for a grant from the school’s support fund?

 Because there are only limited funds, we have to make sure that grants reach those most in need of support.  The school will set an annual limit per family. The more information that you can provide regarding your circumstances, whether they are long standing or just short term, can help us decide how the funds should be most suitably distributed.

 What “evidence” do I need to show?

 We don’t formally ask for evidence for this application, but do ask that you confirm you are in receipt of all relevant benefits.

 How do I apply?

 Please contact the Home School Link Worker and complete the application form with as much information as possible CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATION FORM.  All forms, correspondence and communication are dealt with in the strictest confidence by the Head Teacher and Home School Link Worker hslw@burpham.surrey.sch.uk.  All information shared will be stored in line with our Data Protection Policy available on our website.