Burpham Primary School

Burpham Lane, Guildford, Surrey, GU4 7LZ


01483 572510

Welcome to Year 4

Jays and Doves

 Welcome to the Year 4 class page!


Lisa Tulie

Jays' Class Teacher


Kaysha Lea

Doves' Class Teacher



 What an amazing year we have had! So many lovely memories. We wish you all the best as you move to the Kestrels or the Falcons. We can't wait to hear how you are getting on. 


Photo Gallery


Useful Documents

Google Classroom Class Codes

To access your childs Google Classroom account you might have been asked for a class code. Please find the code for each class below. If you are still experiencing difficulty accessing your account, please contact the Year 4 team.

Doves - xzxtbjc

Jays - kujidxs

Home Learning And Reading

  • Homework is set every Thursday and should be handed in the following Wednesday.
  • Homework and spellings will also be posted on Google Classroom. 
  • You will have a homework book to complete your homework in. We will mark your homework together in class
  • Each week, you will have an English and Maths activity to complete alongside your spellings and times tables practise. Your homework will be linked to something we have done in class or be an opportunity to practise a skill we have learnt before. 
  • We expect you to spend 20 minutes on each piece of English and Maths homework, so 40 minutes in total. It is up to you how you organise your time in the week in order to complete your homework. 
  • Google Classroom  
  • One of the easiest and most important skills to practise at home is reading. We expect you to read aloud, to someone at home, at least 4 times a week. Please record this in your reading record. We have lots of lovely books you can borrow from the classroom and school library too. We will visit the school library once a week and you may borrow 2 books at at time.  Below are some ideas for good books you might like to read now you are in Year 4!
  • Puffin Publishers. Must Reads for 9-12 year olds.
  • The School Reading List. Books for Year 4
  • Guildford Library. Visit your local library

Helpful Websites

Here are some websites that you can use at home to help with your learning. If you need your TT Rockstars, Spelling Shed, Purple Mash or Language Angels passwords, please ask your teacher.


Spelling Shed

Pobble 365


 Times Table Rockstars

White Rose activities


Top Marks Maths


 Purple Mash


Language Angels Home Learning

Supporting Learning at Home

We are very grateful for all that parents and carers do to support their children's learning in the classroom. Here are some ideas which you may find useful when providing this support.

  • Reading aloud and talking with your child about the book they are reading.
  • Spelling of high frequency words and those spellings on the statutory spelling list for Lower Key Stage 2 (See below for lists).
  • Handwriting practice.
  • Using capital letters and full stops correctly when writing sentences.
  • Times tables recall up to 12x12.
  • Telling the time on an analogue clock to within 5minutes. Converting time between an analogue and a digital clock.
  • Reading scales and measuring in m and cm, g and kg, ml and l. 

In the event of school closure

On rare occasions, it may be necessary to close the school. This may be due to adverse weather conditions or perhaps when essential school services cannot be provided –e.g. heating, plumbing or water.  

Please refer to the School’s Bad Weather Policy on our website for information regarding how we communicate a school closure. 

Class teachers will then initiate home school learning activities, and these will be available to children by 10am of the same morning.