Burpham Primary School

Burpham Lane, Guildford, Surrey, GU4 7LZ


01483 572510

Meet Reggie our School Dog!

Please see the slides below to learn all about Reggie!  Reggie has been assessed and received training to be a Dog Mentor.  Reggie is a fantastic resource for our school and if you would like to know more about how he can help your child please do get in touch with Mrs White head@burpham.surrey.sch.uk in the first instance. 

Reggie's Tidy Classroom Award

Children in our school learn how to be safe around Reggie by following his rules, one of which is to keep the floor clear of items which Reggie might want to eat!  Reggie will be visiting the children regularly and has challenged them to keep their classrooms really tidy and super safe.  Each week he will be choosing the safest/tidiest room and presenting that class with an award.  They will get to keep a cuddly version of Reggie and their teachers will then nominate someone to help Reggie with his judging the following week.