Burpham Primary School

Burpham Lane, Guildford, Surrey, GU4 7LZ


01483 572510


Welcome to Year 3

Woodpeckers and Kingfishers

Welcome to the Year 3 class page.  

On this page you will find updates about our learning in Year 3, along with photos of our most recent work and some recommended websites.  To find your newest weekly spelling list, please visit classroom.google.com

If you would like to contact the class teacher, email year3@burpham.surrey.sch.uk and we will reply as soon as possible.

Enjoy exploring our page and finding out what it is like to be a Woodpecker or Kingfisher!

Naz Aslam

Kingfishers' Class Teacher


Jess Lamb

Woodpeckers' Class Teacher

& Lower KS2 Lead


Katalin Horvath


Semi Jung


Louise Watts



Spring term was very busy in Year 3. One of the highlights was our Roald Dahl day, during which we celebrated all our learning that had taken place around Roald Dahl's fantastic books. We came dressed as our favourite characters, painted our teachers as one of The Witches and watched a great movie. 

As always, we have been busy taking our learning outside. In some of the photos below, you can see us creating artwork for RE and completing our Geography topic by designing a settlement. We have also worked hard learning how to measure and convert measurements. In PE, we were lucky enough to have a real cricketer come to coach us this term and learnt so many new throwing and catching skills as part of some enjoyable games.

During World Book Day in March, we were able to spend the whole day enjoying one of our favourite activities - reading! It was great sharing books with some Year 6 buddies, listening to a different teacher read to us and entering a poem competition. We even had a few Year 3 winners!

We also loved our DT topic. We have been learning how to make mechanisms using levers and pivots and linked our learning to our English work by making a moving puppet from the story of The Minpins. We practiced different mechanisms, designed our own product, created a prototype, made a final product, performed a show with our friends and evaluated our finished puppet.

The term finished with our Whole School Reward for filling up the ping pong tub in the hall. We spent the afternoon creating Easter arts and crafts, reading stories, dancing in the disco room, building dens in the wildlife area  and many more. What a fantastic end to a hard term's work!


Useful Documents

 Spring Curriculum Plan.pptxDownload
 Y3 Spring Newsletter 2024.pubDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Helpful Websites

We'd love you to continue some of your learning at home. Use the following websites, all of which are suitable for Year 3 children to practise a range of skills and subjects.


Games to practise your times tables and other Maths skills. 




If you love reading why not try something different and incorporate an audio book into your free time?!

Try listening to some audio books. The BBC Sounds App has lots of free books and Audible has also released lots of free books: Audible

Collins Big Cat have some colour banded books for you to read online. https://ops.collinsopenpage.com/sso/login?service=https%3A//ebooks.collinsopenpage.com/wr/index.html&eulogin=true

CBBC have a book club where you can share books you have read and write reviews on them. https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/shows/cbbc-book-club 

 Test yourself, and your parents, with a book quiz.  https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/have-some-fun/quizzes/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMImrKf7oe_5QIVEsDeCh1zUwl4EAAYASAAEgIPePD_BwE


Use Purple Mash to practise your programming, algorithms, fun animation or branching database skills. 

There are a range of activities and games you can play to practice your computing skills. Remember to always be SMART when working online...



Why not spend the time to carry on learning and consolidating all the Spanish you have learnt this year. You could also teach your family some spanish words :) Hola! Buenos Dias! Como Estas? Muy Bien! Adios!


In the event of school closure

On rare occasions, it may be necessary to close the school. This may be due to adverse weather conditions or perhaps when essential school services cannot be provided –e.g. heating, plumbing or water.  

Please refer to the School’s Bad Weather Policy on our website for information regarding how we communicate a school closure. 

Class teachers will then initiate home school learning activities, and these will be available to children by 10am of the same morning.